Plc bit byte word

When we have eight bits, they are called a byte. Two bytes, or 16 bits, form a word, and usually this is how we refer to memory locations within a PLC. A double word is two 16 bit words, or 32 bits. PLC memory is organized using bytes, single words, or double words.

What is word size in PLC?

Most PLCs use 16-bit words. A word can be used to represent. a 16-bit unsigned integer (0 to 65,535). a 16-bit signed integer (-32,768 to 32,767).

What is a byte in PLC?

For a unit of 8 binary characters, the term BYTE is used. A byte has the size of 8 bits. 2.3.3 WORd. A word is a sequence of binary characters, which is regarded as a unit in a specific connection. The word length corresponds to the number from 16 binary characters.

What is bit byte and word?

A byte is eight bits, a word is 2 bytes (16 bits), a doubleword is 4 bytes (32 bits), and a quadword is 8 bytes (64 bits). … The low byte (bits 0 through 7) of each data type occupies the lowest address in memory and that address is also the address of the operand.

What is a PLC bit?

A bit can be either a 1 or 0, either on or off. This is the smallest piece of information in the PLC. Typically eight bits make a byte and 16 bits make a word. See also: Binary, Binary Coded Decimal, Byte, Word Blocksearch for term. A group of bytes or words.

What is word address in PLC?

A PLC address is usually composed of several address elements. However, the structure of PLC addresses can vary with the type of PLC. Digital and analog input and output addresses are also differently constructed in many cases. … Addressing of analog inputs and outputs is done using bytes, words or double-words.

What is a PLC word?

Jun 20, 2002. A word refers to the size of data the processor handles. This will vary by PLC model. If the PLC uses a 16 bit processor a word refers to 16 contiguous bits (2bytes). A 32 bit processor uses a 32 bit word.

What is a memory word in PLC?

So , memory word is logical address which having 16 bits. … 2 Likes. santhosh June 4, 2018, 9:01am #2. In PLC every data should store in memory locations.